Sunday, 12 June 2011

Not enough time! My very human post...

Hellloooo from the prairies folks! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend? 

I have to be honest with you all, I'm a huge slacker. I feel so terrible - I've barely been online all week. I've hardly had time to check out all your fine projects and barely link to any parties - and if I have linked up to any parties they have been kinda late! You're all wondering how I posted so many projects this past week, if I have been so busy, right? Well the trick to this is staying organized and setting up all my posts to publish on schedule!

The reason behind my slacking is the new job that I started on Monday! I'm so loving this new job and working with students, it's a very rewarding job! So now I'm trying to find a balance between doing a good job at my day time job and maintaining an awesome & creative blog! And let me tell you - It's kinda hard! 

So please be patient with me as I find the balance to work out all the little kinks in my life. I promise to continue to post... but perhaps, not as often as every day - as I have in the past!

Let's be honest with ourselves people... We are only human. We are not perfect. We can NOT do it all. Finding balance in life takes work. We need to not put so much pressure on ourselves, and instead enjoy our life in all the things that we do. I love blogging. I love meeting all of you! Yes, YOU! 

My point is that, I love blogging and crafting so much that I don't want it to become a chore to do. Have any of you ever had these feelings? 

So i'm asking for your help, especially from all of you mothers out there. How do you find balance in your life?

I look forward to hearing from you and your thoughts! Have a great Sunday!



  1. Thanks for the honesty! No one ever wants to have their hobbies turn into a chore (which can be hard to do). I say balance takes flexibility and not feeling guilty when life happens. Afterall, it happens to everyone :)

  2. First of all, congratulations on your new job! Take your time with finding the right balance, you don't want to get burnt out on trying to fit it all in. Don't try to keep up with others expectations but do what works for you. It will all fall into place!

  3. Scheduling ahead really helps maintain your blog. You are so right, we are just human. Finding balance means deciding what is most important and letting the rest go. Enjoy your new job!

  4. Hi Katie,
    Congrats on the new job (hope you got my e-mail...comments was acting up last week). No pressure on the bloggin' and crafting. As a mom, you set priorities: God, family, and health first. (I lump painting in with health). Then from there it will fall in place. But, a little planning can go a long way...something I could get better at!
